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Chapter 11: I Can Do It Better

Bunny yells into the phone "For the hundredth time Simis, NO I do not want to go on a date with you!"

Why would she want to when she is married to this prime specimen.

Zelda texts Bob an invite to her pool party. Odd considering he recently cursed her to be a toad, maybe she's trying to make amends or hoping for a cure most likely.

Bob catches the new maid dumping the trash on the bathroom floor. The gold bathroom no less.

He says some things about where her brain is located.

She storms out.

Bob can do her job better anyway. Queue some 80s motivational music.

He makes the beds.

Scrubs the toilets.

Clears the clogs. That skirt length may rival some of Molly's.

Mops the floors. All while looking damn good.

Today is Bobert's birthday so the rest of the family goes to Zelda's conveniently planned pool party.

Catching up with old friends.

"I've gotten into gardening recently, you should come over and see." Bunny brags to Jocasta.

Bobert looks so cute with those floaties. 

He meets Bethany Koffae at the party, Zelda's kid.

After the party ends he goes to the park where he runs into another classmate. There are so many girls his age right now, no wonder its peaking his interest.

Her name is Latonya Hart, rumor is that her parents are absolutely insane. She is cute though. So many choices...

Just as she walks away Bobert feels a familiar tingle. No, not in his pants.

Awkward preteen stage.

A mullet! Ugh at least that's only with his swim wear, he apparently gave himself different hairstyles for every outfit. What a diva.

He's actually kind of cute in his everyday wear, but time to add back the clown makeup.

There we go. Still being a good big brother. That's nice to see.

Sandi goes to the gym to ogle Parker.

Jared calls Molly to meet him at the community pool.

"I bet you're too chicken to skinny dip." Molly teases.

We'll give these two privacy, especially since I've removed the censorship in game.

Back home the new pet is getting hungry and puts out some Sim bait to lure a meal to its jaws.

"There's some cake outside leftover from the party, you should go get some."

Clearly Bob holds grudges.

Sandi "accidentally" runs into Parker at the spa and decides its time to put her plans in motion.

"Do you know, your hair and my pillow are perfectly color coordinated." she says.

This is the moment he realizes she might actually be crazy. slowly backing away...

This chapter's random event was to make a male Sim's everyday outfit the maid outfit. I think Bob rocks it quite nicely. If Connor still lived with us it would have totally been him instead.

An update of the house layout.

Bunny upgraded the old clay sculptures outside the house with some more impressive stone ones.


Jared you gotta work on your selfie game.

Helena is a toddler now, she looks cranky, no surprise given how she's been raised so far. She's got River's face.

Molly teaching Bobert to drive.

Some things you never grow too old for, he's loved playing in puddles back since Chapter 7.
