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Chapter 7: The Golden Throne

Bunny is not one to turn down ice cream that shows up right in front of her house. She may wear animal face paint every day but she is not crazy!

Is this considered cannibalism? Mmm who cares its delicious.

"...No time for losers 'cause we are the champions of the world! You would make Freddy proud kiddo."

It only seemed right that Bobert got a golden training toilet of his own.

These two. Like bunnies.

I'm not sure but I think there's something wrong with this chair.

Bob has been practicing conjuring apples and accidentally creates a poisonous one.

"I'll just leave this here and hope that Molly finds it first." creepy clown cackle

Spaghetti for dinner.

Sometimes Sandi just likes to sit on the toilet, not to actually use it, just to sit.

Molly the forever hopeless romantic. Bob looks genuinely disgusted by her pick-up line. Bunny doesn't even get mad watching the exchange.

"Gross mom, he's a clown."

Uh oh.

 Sandi decides to visit the graveyard that evening because she enjoys sitting on different things.

Hello Parker Langerak. Are you here for the benches too?

Spotted Connor creeping nearby.

Meanwhile back at home Bobert is aging up.

"Oh my Simlord where did his face paint go!?!"

"Oh thank goodness! There's my sweet boy." CAS magic complete

On the other side of town another age transition is underway.

"How do I look? Are my boobs touching my knees? No? Then we're good!"

I realize at this point that I didn't account for Bobert growing up and needing his own room so for now this is where he has to sleep.

We have a visitor not of this world drop by the house late that night. Must be the past meteor shower that drew his interest here.

He examines the crater in the yard.

Catch ya later space man.

Bunny wakes up to the pregnancy music announcing her second child is on the way.

She feels inspired to pluck a few chords right after, maybe this kid will be a Virtuoso.

She shares the news with Bob.

 Thumbs up? Really EA?

That's better.

The weekend is here and everyone gets to enjoy a little leisure time. Mom hates the outdoors but Bobert loves splashing in the puddles.

Sandi enjoying her favorite spot.

I end up sending her, Molly, and Bobert to the Spring Festival just to get them out of the house. Mother and daughter soon find the dance floor and are happily occupied.

Bobert and Tarik meet for the first time. They have the same hair style and shoes just in different colors. Destined to be besties.

He also meets an enthusiastic Noemi Donner. "Dude we're like totally wearing the same pants! wooo!"

His new friends eventually wonder off to do their homework. Bobert hasn't started school yet so has no homework of his own to join them with.

Seeing his ridiculous "aunts" having such a good time convinces him to join in.

I later find out that Bobert won the title of the Spring Dance King and Sandi won Spring Dance Queen. It Should have gone to Molly but I'm sure she would be proud of her daughter.

Bunny finishes her sculpture and names it Twelve Fingers.

She decides she has earned some pampering after all that work and goes to the spa for a massage.

Jocasta is there, standing outside holding a sculpting pick for no good reason.

She puts her ear up against Bunny's baby bump.

"Yup there is definitely something in there."

The rain starts dumping down and everyone scatters for their cars. I see now why Bunny got that umbrella for Snowflake Day, there must have been a sale somewhere.

We have another space visitor late that night. The rain turns to a light snow upon her arrival.

She investigates the meteor crater same as the first one had. 

Once she has collected all her data she's off and the rain returns.

Bunny has spaghetti for breakfast, apparently that's all this pregnancy is craving.

Molly helps clean up.

Bob and Jared still keep in touch. Sandi argues with the voices in her head.

Bobert has his first day of school.

I later notice how boring Molly has been around the house. Reading a book? That's not like her at all.

The house didn't have a bar! Soon as I added one she went straight for it. All is right again.


I struggled on what to name this chapter since it is a bit all over the place but I am letting the gameplay guide the story, not too much is scripted. Even when I am in game I let the Sims mostly do what they want or I have them do things they wish for. It's fun to see what they get up to on their own. This blog is more like a here is what happened in my game today and I try to add some stupid jokes in between. Hope it's as enjoyable to read as it has been for me to create. 

Sorry if the inconsistencies in the house decor annoys anyone. I am furnishing the house as I play so that will probably be on going. I suppose its not too different from a real life move where it takes two years to unpack all your boxes or is that just me?


Sandi has the Insane trait so she wears whatever she wants regardless of the weather or occasion.

Burglar dad. That is actually Nick Alto. The baby got mom's (Vita Alto) hair coloring with the gray tips. I'm curious to see her as a child.

Poor Jocasta, Bunny first discovered her passed out on the ground outside the spa. No clue why but this teenager looks suspicious. She's also glitched out again this time with a sculpting pick stuck in her hand. Let's see how long that stays there.
