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Rossini Random Events

A list of all the random events that I have rolled for the Rossini family. As mentioned in chapter 1 this gameplay is loosely following the "Do It As You Go" challenge rules found on Mod The Sims but using my own list of events. I played the Rossini family for a few Sim days before starting this blog so events 1-5 are not actually captured in the blog other then a brief explanation of what happened.

Warning, if you are not caught up on the story this will spoil some things for you. 

1. Meteor shower right now!
Bella Bachelor died as a child in the explosion but on the plus side we made a load of money selling the meteorites afterwards.

2. Get a tattoo
Bunny got the freezer bunny tattoo on her ankle for obvious reasons.

3. Serenade a Sim
Bunny serenaded Connor Frio (chosen randomly), they became romantic interests due to this.

4. Make a Sim instantly pregnant with another random Sim's baby
River McIrish got pregnant with Michael Bachelor's baby and was moved into the Bachelor household. River and Michael were already dating as teens so it was an easy choice. They have since married and are now the McBachelor household.

5. Beat a Sim at archery
Fiona McIrish beat Ayesha Ansari, nothing interesting happened beyond that.

6. Build maze in Sim’s yard with toilet in the middle
Built the maze at the house they shared with Fiona, Connor, and Molly. It also contains Bella Bachelor's grave.
Chapter 1: The Random Lives of Bob and Bunny Rossini

7. Cast a curse on a Sim
Zelda Koffae was cursed with toadification for being a clown hater.
Chapter 9: Revenge of the Clowns

8. Put a cowplant in the front yard
The cowplant "grew" out of the meteor crater at the original Rossini house.
Chapter 10: Home Improvement

9. Give a male Sim the maid outfit as everyday
Bob rocked it.
Chapter 11: I Can Do It Better
