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Chapter 3: Snowflake Day

In the spirit of Snowflake Day, Bob thaws out Jocasta, saving her from a frozen grave.

Upon getting up she immediately pees herself. It would be great if this forced her to shower finally.

Bob is feeling playful and spends some quality time with Bobert, he does have the childish trait.

Sweet or terrifying?

Fiona manages to convince Bobert to stay in his crib. Still kicking her out at some point though.

Bunny throws a gift giving party and dresses for the occasion. She's so cute!

The maid breaks the sink just in time for the guests to arrive. Wonderful.

Molly's romantic interest Jebidiah Wilwright is invited for some potential drama but none occurs.

The gift opening begins with Bunny getting an umbrella. Go away River, there's no space and you're overdressed.

Bob opens the next gift and receives a chess table, perfect compliment to his genius trait.

Up next is Molly who is given an alarm clock. She seemed pretty happy about it despite it being kind of a lame gift.

Fiona also gets a chess table but no one cares about her. Jocasta still hasn't showered.

Connor is up and pleased to get a bicycle. River opened two gifts but I couldn't see what they were. Bunny's second gift was a sun parasol. OK, can we get something other than umbrellas for her guys?

Bob opens his second gift and is annoyed to receive another chess table. He literally booed and that was the end of the gift opening.

Molly has a wish for a Mistletoe kiss so I have her ask Connor. They are broken up now but I was curious if he would go for it, plus Jebidiah had already left.


Dance it off girlfriend.

Meanwhile, Bobert ages up to a toddler. His rolls are:
  • Rainbow hair
  • Clown makeup
  • Black eyes
What a cutie, even cross-eyed. Funny that he "inherited" the face makeup, makes them look more like a family.

I love the "attack with the claw" interaction. 

Connor gets some tickles in too. The whole household likes playing with Bobert. Only issue is they do it all hours of the night when he needs to be sleeping. Oh well, its free baby help. 

Who could really resist this little guy.


  1. I love Bunny's festive outfit and Bobert really did turn into a cutie, even with the clown paint

    1. Ya I'm glad I didn't re-roll the clown makeup. Hopefully he won't get Bob's nose.


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